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DNS- Alternatyvus Mokytoju ruosimas

Skelbimo nr. 51412, įdėtas: 2011-03-05 · Perskaitė: 592

Skelbimas nebegalioja.

DNS - International Teacher Training College

In , a group of teachers saw a need for a different style of teaching. They wanted to create a new way of thinking about education, where the students would be actively involved in their own development. And so, DNS was born.

Highlights of DNS during years:

Study travel around Northern Africa
Design and prepare bus for travel
Travel through the Sahara desert
Experience the diverse realities of African communities
Investigate local and global issues
Live and learn with the local people

months investigation in a European city
Studying society
Cultural exchange
Interact with the community
Working and living in groups
“Do what you find most appropriate to do”.
This is a month period where you individually analyze your situation and decide what is the most beneficial for you and your further studies and development.

Teaching practice
months teaching practice in a European city
months teaching practice and study in Denmark

Global teaching practice
months working as a teacher in local, national, regional or global school settings

The DNS idea of a teacher is an interactive person who besides his job of teaching lessons – not only the subjects but also about life and learning as such – should be integrated in the society and the local community, using his knowledge and formation for the benefit of broadening and deepening life and progress in the society and for the people.

Interested? Contact us:
Educational Information Centre
DNS Tvind Information Centre


Kiti skelbimai pagal žodžius: alternatyva mokytoja international

Kiti skelbimai iš kategorijos "Siūlo darbą"
ekskavatorininkasEkskavatorininkas - Norvegija
personaloPersonalo vadybininkė (-as) - Klaipėda
stogdengiaiStogdengiai - Norvegija
ekskavatoriausEkskavatoriaus mašinistas - Vokietija
statybininkaiStatybininkai - Švedija
projektuProjektų vadovo asistentas (-ė) - Vokietija
staliaiStaliai - Norvegija
suvirintojaiSuvirintojai - Suomija
puspriekabiuPuspriekabių mechanikas - Norvegija
stogdengiaiStogdengiai darbams Norvegijoje

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  • Skelbimas įdėtas: 2011-03-05
  • Galioja: iki 2011-06-03


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